Certified Scrum Trainer® (CST®)

Be an integral national and international ambassador of Scrum and the agile movement

Part II: Interview & Simulation

The Evaluation Criteria

During the interview and training simulation, the TAC will assess if the CST candidate meets the definition of a national and international ambassador of Scrum and are able to demonstrate their abilities as a world-class trainer.  The interview component of the application process is an opportunity for the TAC to get to know a candidate on a personal level in an interactive way.  The TAC will inquire, for example:  what is your story? your “why”? What is your unique perspective and contribution to the global trainer and coach community? 


The interview and simulation will evaluate the candidates' Scrum knowledge, professionalism, delivery effectiveness, audience management, student engagement, and self-awareness. The CST candidate will be measured against the CST certification standards.  We expect all candidates to align with the Scrum Guide and learning objectives version that are current at the time of their interview and simulation (regardless of the course materials version submitted in the formal applciation stage).  


Please be aware that advancing to this stage does not guarantee a candidate will be approved as a CST. While they are qualified to interview, their performance in the interview and training simulation may or may not lead to an approval. 

The Panel

The interview panel will consist of three TAC members and two Scrum Alliance staff members. All TAC members have been asked to recuse themselves in the event of any conflict of interest related to a candidate. We assemble TAC panels for candidates based on recusals and a desire to incorporate different team members for each round of interviews. 


All TAC members, including Scrum Alliance staff representatives, are full voting members of the TAC and will represent students during the training simulation.


The Interview

Below is a general summary of an Interview & Simulation. Please reference the CST Candidate Interview Process for a detailed description of each activity. 



Helpful Tips

Consider listening to the Helpful Tips to Prepare You For a TAC Panel podcast recorded by TAC panel members Dave Prior and Anu Smalley in 2018.  



