How it works
Chart a path to building agile skills and earning certifications to stand out in the job market.
Certification process
Join Scrum Alliance as a certified member to augment your skills, understand in-demand agile practices, and learn from trainers who are among the most experienced in the world.
Scrum Alliance has several certification paths, called "tracks." These tracks are tailored to meet diverse career goals, such as becoming an experienced scrum master or building competitive job skills. For certain tracks, you'll progress from beginner to advanced, completing the prerequisites as you go.
Choose a Scrum Alliance course and enroll. Many of them require no previous experience or prerequisites. These courses are delivered by experienced, Scrum Alliance-approved education providers.
Leverage your membership and access a wealth of agile resources and a community of 2 million people. Plus, you'll get discounts on regional and global Scrum Alliance events where you can connect with other agilists and grow your network.
Renewal ensures Scrum Alliance members are the most competent, skilled agilists across the globe because we require a certain number of Scrum Education Units (SEUs) along with a renewal fee. SEUs are earned for reading, volunteering, education, professional development, and lots of other activities that show you are continuing to grow.

Renew every two years
Keep your Scrum Alliance certifications active by renewing them every two years. To renew, simply complete the required SEUs and submit the renewal fee. Active certifications let employers and colleagues know that you've kept your skills up to date. Renewal also ensures your continued access to members-only benefits and resouces.
Gain access to members-only resources, including improvement tools. Discover how agile practices support your ability to drive results at work.
Get members-only discounts to attend Regional and Global Scrum Gatherings where you'll grow your professional network and build your skills.
Maintain your profile in our member directory to stand out as a competitive applicant when searching for jobs.
Renewal process
To renew, submit the required number of Scrum Education Units plus the renewal fee. One hour of learning about scrum or agile equals one SEU. SEUs demonstrate your commitment to growing your skills and knowledge, which is part of the reason our certifications are some of the most demanded by employers. You'll add a certification-specific number of SEUs every two years before you renew your certification.
The time you spend engaging in any related learning—reading articles, reading a book, volunteering, attending events, and taking courses—counts toward your SEUs.

Each certification also has a renewal fee. If you hold multiple certifications, you need only pay the renewal fee of the highest certification to renew all of your certifications.

Continue learning and logging SEUs after your membership is renewed to prepare for your next renewal cycle.
Types of certifications
Role-based learning tracks
Choose a track with a clear path to advancement. These certifications are based on team member roles, such as scrum masters and product owners, but the skills in the foundational certifications are applicable to many careers.

Agile skills
Elevate your career by developing highly sought-after agile skills that are essential in today's fast-paced and collaborative work environments. These skills have their roots in agile and are widely applicable across industries.

Trainers and coaches
Become a certified provider of Scrum Alliance training. Or demonstrate your expertise in coaching teams and organizations with a Scrum Alliance coaching certification.

Relevant resources
Get Scrum Alliance resources sent to your inbox!
Frequently asked questions
Browse our certifications to get an idea of which Scrum Alliance course aligns with your career goals. Traditional certifications like Certified ScrumMaster and Certified Scrum Product Owner are good options if you want to work on a scrum team. Skills-based certifications, like those related to facilitation and agile scaling, are rooted in agile ways of thinking and can be applied to many different careers.
Introductory-level Scrum Alliance courses do not require agile expertise or previous scrum experience. Familiarity with the Agile Manifesto and agile concepts are requested, and your trainer will provide basic materials to cover these ideas prior to the start of your class.
Each course has a price set by the specific trainer. Scrum Alliance does not control course prices, which may vary based on many factors, including, but not limited to:
- Whether the course is delivered online or in person
- The geographic location
- Class size
- Resources and materials provided by the instructor
- Taxes
- Market factors
Please view course prices in the individual course listings found when you search for courses. Use the filters to select the certification you want. Next, browse the results to look for dates, education providers, formats, or other aspects of the course you're interested in. Click into the specific course listing to view the price.
SEUs show our members' ongoing commitment to professional growth. When you watch a webinar about agile product management or read a book about working on a scrum team, you deepen your expertise in agile ways of working and thinking.
Scrum Alliance certifications are recognized as certifications with substance for this exact reason. When you are talking to an employer or client about your qualifications, your Scrum Alliance SEUs prove that you are committed to a growth mindset: You know that learning equips you with the tools you need to navigate complexities and solve problems at work.
Some Scrum Alliance certifications have prerequisites, including:
These certifications are the second and third levels of the ScrumMaster learning track. The first level, Certified ScrumMaster, has no prerequisites. The same applies to the Certified Scrum Product Owner and Certified Scrum Developer tracks.
Many other courses have no prerequisites, including:
- Certified Agile Facilitator
- Certified Agile Scaling Practitioner
- Certified ScrumMaster®
- Certified Scrum Product Owner®
- Certified Scrum Developer®
Explore all of the certifications to see which ones have prerequisites.
The trainers and education providers who deliver Scrum Alliance courses operate as independent businesses. Scrum Alliance is the certifying body and approves providers to offer Scrum Alliance courses.
So, as a student, you'll register for the course and pay for the course through the education provider. Scrum Alliance Support is always here to answer your questions, but it's a good idea to reach out directly to the education provider about payments and other specifics related to the course you are taking.
Since the trainers and education providers who deliver our courses operate independent businesses (with Scrum Alliance as the certifying body), they will be your point of contact for issues related to the specific course you are taking, such as:
- Course payment
- Questions about the course material or what to expect
- The possibility of rescheduling your attendance
- Cancellation questions
- Receipt for the course
- Questions about discounts
- Questions about accessing virtual courses
- Questions about finding the class meeting location
You'll pay the trainer or education provider for the course, and they will send you the registration and attendance information. Scrum Alliance Support will always be here to answer your questions, but we will direct you to the course provider for specific details like those listed above, so we encourage you to reach out to them directly if you have any questions or concerns related to the course you have registered for.
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