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Certified ScrumMaster®

Learn how to apply scrum and gain practical agile skills to drive results in any role, whether you want to work as a scrum master or grow your capabilities. CSMĀ® courses are delivered by Scrum Alliance-certified trainers who possess deep scrum knowledge. When you complete the course, you will receive a two-year Scrum Alliance professional membership.
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    Wed Nov 13 - 15, 2024

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    16:00 EST

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    4 hours each day

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4.80 out of 5.0 stars (72 ratings)
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Course details

Anil Jaising
Concepts & Beyond Inc.

See This Link for other dates / times & discounts.


Ignite High Performing Teams with Scrum

ScrumMasters - a heartbeat of effective Teams

Effective Scrum isn't just applying theory or process - it's about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online.

If you're ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can apply immediately, this course is for you. From deep study of brain science and adult learning, we've learned what it takes to be effective in a virtual environment and avoid "Zoom fatigue."

Get Hands-On Experience with Scrum

The workshop includes all the material required by the Scrum Alliance for its Certified ScrumMaster CSM® certification, along with stories, tips, tricks and practices to take the theory of Scrum and put it into effective action in your organization.

This course is not a Powerpoint snooze-fest. Short presentations cover concepts. Immersive team-based exercises are interwoven into each lesson to get you hands-on practice. 

Something else to know:  About 20% of all public CSMs & CSPOs have more than 40 people enrolled.  That's not us. Our workshops are designed to be interactive in nature.  Our public class enrollments are generally below the average course size.  This helps you get rich feedback and interaction from other participants and your trainer.


Ready to register? This Link



Workshop Orientation Session

  • 11/12 - Tuesday: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (EST)

Workshop: 4-hour Sessions

  • 11/13 - Wednesday: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (EST)
  • 11/14 - Thursday: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (EST)
  • 11/15 - Friday: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (EST)

Workshop Closing Session

  • 11/18 - Monday: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (EST)

Use This Link to open a timezone converter.

Schedule doesn't fit?  See This Link for other dates / times.

Beyond the basics, we also explore Scrum in action - facilitating team interactions, working with the team's Backlog of work, and getting work "Done" (or perhaps it's Done-Done)!

Get a taste of the engaging teaching style. Watch the video to learn how to conduct sprint planning with your scrum team

By the conclusion of this dynamic workshop - you will be prepared with the skills, knowledge, and experience to not only explain Scrum to colleagues, clients or interviewers, but also to put Scrum into action with your team. Become a catalyst for change by helping your teams and programs apply these concepts to become resilient, learning organizations able to thrive in today’s emerging markets.

Subscribe to Anil’s Brand New YouTube channel !!! 

Anil's Scrum Power Playlists

Sample of companies in recent cohorts: Focus brands, lumen, Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, MIT, Microsoft, Atlassian, Factset, marketaxess, wesco, Oracle, Walmart, Equitable, Trustage, bluwave, Strategy&ICAgile, Cigna, US Bank ...


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Here's what students say about these online workshops:

"I recently obtained the Certified Scrum Master (CSM) certification from Scrum Alliance. My class was a great mix of professionals who joined me in collaborative discussions to learn Scrum fundamentals. Concepts and Beyond was the training organization and the trainer was Anil Jaising. Anil is a Certified Scrum Trainer and seamlessly helped us learn about Scrum within an engaging and fun environment. " -- David Cohn


"Many thanks to Anil Jaising, for his great presentation style with lots of opportunities to ask questions and talk about real-life examples which all made for a really enjoyable and informative session. He was easy to understand, and the class flows very well. His explanations were easy to understand and the material he presented was very helpful in the exam." --Pushpanjali


"Anil, gave us everything we needed to know for the exam and more! I found this course really helpful as someone who already had familiarity with Agile. It clarified some existing confusions, gave me extra resources to look into, helped me network with some amazing people, and earned me a certification!" -- Amanda Smithson


"I’m happy to share that I’ve obtained a new certification: Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) from Scrum Alliance! Thank you Anil Jaising for putting together a great course and learning environment. I passed!!!" --Portia Oliver


 Visit This Link  for even more student evaluations.


Ready to register? This Link


Get your CSM® and More!

This workshop includes:

  • Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster CSM® Exam fee
  • Two-year membership in the Scrum Alliance, the largest, most established and influential professional membership and certification organization in the Agile community
  • 14 PMI PDUs for PMPs
  • 14 of the 21 contact hours for a PMI-ACP credential
  • 14 Scrum Education Units (SEUs)
  • Free Online Jira course access


Who Should Attend

This course is appropriate for Scrum Masters, as well as Product Owners, Scrum Team Members and Managers interested to understand and apply the fundamentals of how Scrum and Agile work at the team level.  It's equally valuable for folks new to the world of Agile/Scrum, as well as people whose organizations have been practicing some form of Agile for a while and need a "reset."


Anil Jaising, Your Instructor: 

Anil’s career had an explosive start in the early 1990s, he worked on a messaging product that sent messages across the world in 3 seconds with a team that aligned with the Values and Principles of Agile. The product won the best Open Systems Award in 1994. From the beginning of his career, he has been tinkering with code, infrastructure, product development, and consulting in various industries. 


His deep expertise in financial services and startups in developing business models has resulted in multiplying revenue and avoiding risk. He recently led a cloud transformation program for 250 application teams that saved one of the world’s largest bank over $25 million. His deep Agile, DevOps, and leadership experience have guided multiple organizations to achieve high throughput, market focus, productivity, and quality in building products. He has a deep interest in instructional design and is a certified Training from the BACK of the Room Trainer.


He is a Certified Scrum Trainer with Scrum Alliance and a Certified DevOps Trainer with DevOps Institute. Anil is also adjunct faculty teaching “transforming organizations” in the project management graduate program at New York University. Anil is well regarded in the industry as an Agile, Executive, and Technical Coach. He has helped several organizations successfully implement continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous delivery, and SRE practices. He is currently guiding the product marketing and development of a telemetry dashboard for Atlassian products.

Take a peek at what our students say at the end of the class

Class Wall of Fame



Ready to register? This Link


The Fine Print


  • How soon can I get my CSM® certification?  On completing your participation in the full workshop, a link will be emailed to you from the Scrum Alliance to access their online certification exam.  We often see workshop participants complete their certification exam and become Certified Scrum Masters within 24 hours of completing the workshop.

  • Can I Miss Several Hours of the Workshop and Still be Certified?  No.  If you miss more than 15 minutes of the workshop, you will not be eligible for certification, and you will be welcome to attend the rest of the workshop.  Don't worry - if something big comes up, we'll move you to a future workshop at no cost.

  • What do I need to bring to class?  You'll need a computer with microphone, camera & speakers.  Use to test your internet connection.  After the download numbers stop, use the "more" option to calculate your upload speed.  You'll need 5 down / 1 up - and more is better.  Now, while in class, you'll be actively using your computer to participate in exercises, so plan to peek at your email only during a break or at lunchtime.


Learn more about the certification process, exam taking tips and future journey of the scrum master


Cancellation Policy

We understand that things can change, and we strive to be as agile as possible with respect to registrations.  Please email us no later than 5 business days before the start of the workshop and we'll arrange a refund or transfer to a future date.  Cancellations received within 5 full business days of the start of the course will receive a credit (no cash value) towards a future workshop.  Please request changes by emailing [email protected].



Send us an email at: [email protected]

Concepts and BeyondCONCEPTS & BEYOND


Anil Jaising

CST, Masters in Computer Science

Anil is a passionate Certified Scrum Trainer CST® whose focus is to design and deliver an immersive experience in both in-person and virtual training. Anil is a certified Training from the BACK of the Room trainer and is part of the design team that developed the virtual edition of TBR. His training focuses on leaners being able to discover and learn by doing instead of boring lectures or use of slides.

Anil collaborates with several clients on creating experiential training for several topics under the Agile umbrella as well as on technical topics like DevOps and Cloud Adoption. His focus has been on developing and inspiring teams, peers and leadership alike, truly believing that everyone has a spark in them that can be energized and developed into a passion. 

Anil speaks regularly at several global conferences and volunteers and reviews speaker proposals. He is a co-organizer of Big Apple Scrum Day and New York Scrum User Group

Please read more about the instructor at



What you receive:

  • Detailed workbook full of custom exercises, solutions, and summaries that are essential for the Certified ScrumMaster exam preparation.
  • Access to our CSM practice exam.
  • Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster CSM® Exam fee
  • Two-year membership in the Scrum Alliance, the largest, most established and influential professional membership and certification organization in the Agile community.14 PMI PDUs for PMPs.14 of the 21 contact hours needed for a PMI-ACP credential.
  • Documented case studies for successful scrum implementations
  • A list of great books that will enable you to take your knowledge beyond the classroom.
  • Opportunity for a 45 minute personalized Q and A session with the instructor after the class.

Day 1

  • Introduction to Agile and Scrum
  • Scrum Theory
  • Scrum Values
  • Scrum Workflow

Day 2

  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Daily Scrum
  • Product Backlog
  • Product Backlog Refinement

Day 3

  • Sprint Planning, Sprint Goal and Sprint Backlog
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective
  • Service to the Development Team

Day 4

  • Service to the Product Owner
  • The Agile Manifesto /Agile Principles
  • Service to the Organization
  • Facilitation
  • Coaching

The Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) course by the Scrum Alliance is beneficial for anyone who wants to implement more efficient and effective management practices into their organization.

This course is perfect for leaders working in:

  • Program Management and Project Management

  • Engineering and Testing

  • IT and Technical Operations

  • Design and User Experience

  • Product Management

  • Marketing

  • Business Analysis

  • Executives and Management

  • Risk and Compliance

  • Sales/Customer Service

  • HR/Operations

Something to know:  About 20% of all public CSMs & CSPOs have more than 40 people enrolled.  That's not us.

Our workshops are designed to be interactive in nature.  There are breakout exercises roughly every hour for students to practice and apply concepts in “table teams” of a few people rather than in a plenary (whole class) session.   Our public class enrollments are generally below the average course size of 16.  This helps you get rich feedback and interaction from other participants and your trainer.

Our aim is that you have an engaging and practical experience - not just learn concepts and pass a test.  Our intent is that the workshop leaves you feeling eager, excited, and confident about putting the tips, techniques, and frameworks into practice.


4.80 out of 5.0 stars
rating icon showing 4.80 stars. (72 ratings) TrustPilot logo

More courses by Anil

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Where & when
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    Fri Jun 14 - 16, 2024
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    10:00 EDT
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    Live Online
course badge Certified ScrumMaster®
Where & when
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    Mon Jun 17 - 19, 2024
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    12:00 EDT
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    Live Online
course badge Certified ScrumMaster®
Where & when
  • folder icon
    Sat Jun 22 - 23, 2024
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    09:00 EDT
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    114 W 26th Street
    New York, NY 10001, US