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Certified Scrum Product Owner®

Advance your career with high-value product management skills. CSPO® delves into the scrum framework, agile principles, and relentless focus on delivering customer value. Scrum Alliance-certified trainers have exceptional qualifications, including extensive product management experience. A two-year Scrum Alliance professional membership is included with your successful completion of this course.
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    Sat Nov 24 - 25, 2018

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    Tokyo, , JP

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4.80 out of 5.0 stars (273 ratings)
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Course details

Satisha K Venkataramaiah

Who is a Product Owner?

A Product Owner is someone who is responsible for creatively solving users problem and strategically maximizing the value for the business. Product Owners come in different forms. They are in the form of an entrepreneur in startups, a product manager in a product company, account manager in a service company, General Manager in hotels etc. Learn more here:


This 2-day course enables participants to understand the role of a Product Owner and few tips and techniques to maximize the value of work done as part of product development.


4 Reasons why should you choose leanpitch's CSPO Workshop?

1. This is not just another basic Scrum Workshop, this is a Product Management course using Scrum.

Our goal for the workshop is to help you get started as a Product Owner. You will pick up a product idea and work on it for two days as a Product Owner right from Product Envisioning till delivery. The workshop itself will be run using Scrum in 4 Sprints with ZERO power point slides. We will learn together about how to do Product Management using Scrum from each other. Expect to have lots of fun while you learn as the workshop is loaded with activities.

This is how our class looks

Here about our class from our participants:


2. Learn from a practicing Product Owner not a Trainer.

Satisha Venkataramaiah

Satisha Venkataramaiah is a practicing Product Owner. He works as a Product Owner for 5 days week at leanGears, a Product Company he started in 2016. He understands how to build companies from ground up as he has started up and sustained two companies. He has 18+ years of experience in building Products in a Service comapny, couple of Product companies and a captive house as well. So he understand how to discover and build Products end to end. 

3. You just don't buy CSPO, you buy a life long learning.

We believe in Continuous Learning. It's difficult to learn to solve every problem in two days. As you start playing Product Owner role at you work place, you will certainly face challenges and you need help to solve those. So we have 7+ hours of FREE webinars every month planned for you.

Continuous learning with leanpitch

4. Lots of hardcopy material for future reference.

You get hardcopy of:

  • Product Owner's PlayBook with tips and techniques for Product Owner's which will be used during the workshop.
  • Text book for future referenc: Agile Product Management by Roman Pichler.
  • A pack of PlayScrum Flash Cards


Hardcopy material


What do you get out of the course?

After you complete the course, you’ll know

  • Who is a Product Owner? What are critical skills that a Product Owner should have?
  • What are the issues that Organizations face in having PO role and patterns to address it?
  • How to incrementally elicit requrements
  • Prioritization techniques to deliver incremental Products
  • How to test assumptions sooner to mitigate business risks.
  • How to build products end to end?


On successful completion of the course, you’ll receive

  • Certified Product Owner Certificate
  • Scrum Alliance membership for 2 years.
  • 16 PDUs towards any PMI credential.
  • Agile Product Management book by Roman Pichler
  • Workbook
  • PlayScrum cards
  • Digital reading material for post-class reference 

For additional schedule and discounts, visit


Frequently Asked Questions


-         When do we start and end each day? 

The classroom opens at 8:30 AM each day and class will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. We will end at 5:30 PM each day.


-          What should I wear? 

Wear anything that makes you comfortable. There are no rules!


-          What should I bring? 

Just yourself. You don't need a laptop, although you are free to bring one.


-          Will there be food?

Yes, we will provide tea and cookies 3 times a day and both veg and non-veg lunch.


-          Is there something I should read before the workshop?

Yes, atleast read the Scrum guide that will be sent you when you register. You know what, its only 16 pages.


-          I'm an introvert who is not so big on the whole audience participation thing. Will this class make me uncomfortable?

Participation in any physical exercise is of course optional--in fact the role of "observer" is quite valuable, so feel free to participate at your ability and comfort levels. Remember, people are different and we value that!


-          What if I have more questions?

Feel free to contact MBS @ 080-4367-2003 or [email protected]


We will be learning the Product Ownership using Scrum. The whole course is split inot 4 Sprints with each Sprint trying to Answer following four questions:

  1. Why are we building Products?
  2. What are we building?
  3. How much do we build?
  4. How do we build?

We will pickup a sample Product and apply Discovery techniques to learn Product Discovery and run the workshop using Scrum to learn Scrum.

Sprint 1: Who is a Product Owner?

Value Hypothesis

  • What is a Product?
  • What is a Complex domain of Product?
  • What is Cost of Delay and how to reduce it?
  • What is Cost of Production and how to reduce it?

Who is a Product Owner?

  • What are the skills required for a Product Owner?
  • How does PO role map to other roles?
  • What are the responsibilties of PO?
  • How does PO role evolve over a period of time and what are the different patterns to have a PO role?


Sprint 2: Why and What are we building?

Product Envisioning

  • Why do we need Vision? -  Learn the consequences of developing a Product without vision
  • How to develop Product Vision?
    • Developing a Product Video?
    • Elevator Pitch to Shark Tank
    • News Paper Advertisement
    • Designing Product Brochure etc.
  • Review examples of good Product Vision.


Product Chartering

  • How to identify all the users of the Product?
  • Identify the user activities that Product will support.
  • Identify the product features that help the end users to perform the activities willingly.
  • Develop impact stories for the Product.
  • Learn to develop Product Canvas.


User Research

  • Learn why User Research is important and how it pays off
  • Learn different ways of conducting User Research and apply on class project
    • Observe users at their native place
    • Conduct interviews and surveys
    • Lean Startup approach
  • Learn and develop User Experience Map for the class Project
  • Learn and Develop User Personas for the class Project.
  • Learn to develop User Stories out of User Experience Map


Sprint 3: How much do we build?

Story Mapping

  • Learn and translate user voice from User Research into Product Features
  • Learn why Splitting features into smaller deliverables are a necessity.
  • Learn various splitting techniques
  • Learn to prioritize the features based on user needs
    • Kano Model
    • Importance vs satisfaction
    • MUSCOW Technique
  • Create an hypothesis to conduct Value Hypothesis
  • Identify MVP and decide what kind of MVP to go with


Sprint 4: Managing Product Backlog

Story Pampering

  • Learn and identify functional dependencies
  • Learn different techniques for identifying Business Value for Product Features and practice them on class Project
    • User Voting
    • Factor of Acquisition and Retention
    • Business Value Estimation Game
  • Learn to prioritize Product Features based on Business Value
    • Value vs Cost
    • Cost of Delay
  • Learn to identify different types of Stakeholders and how to engage them
  • Learn various refinement techniques to help development team understand what needs to be built.

This course is designed for anybody and every body who represent the end users, customers or sponsors and are responsible for maximizing the value of product. The respresentative list include:

  • Product Managers
  • Product Owners
  • Business Analysts
  • Directors
  • Program Managers
  • Project Managers
  • CXOs
  • ScrumMasters who coach Product Owners.


4.80 out of 5.0 stars
rating icon showing 4.80 stars. (273 ratings) TrustPilot logo

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