Learn from the Leaders in Business Agility & Agile Leadership

Scrum Alliance was founded and funded by the agile community to serve the agile community. We’re a member-driven 501c6 trade association with over a million internationally recognized certifications. We take the privilege of serving agilists seriously as we continue to nurture the agile movement by providing education, advocacy, research, and connection to the largest community of Scrum and agile professionals.

Since Scrum Alliance first introduced the training course and certification of a Certified ScrumMaster in 2001, the growing needs of agilists around the world continue to drive our organization and certifications. Over the years, our community evolved to lead in the broader agile space, and we joined them in embracing agile leadership as pivotal in our mission to transform the world of work.

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In order to truly help organizations undergo agile transformations, leadership must be on board with an agile mindset shift. From how our organization is structured to how we handle the unexpected, we strive to uphold the principles of business agility and set an example for our community to follow. We take pride in our agility as an organization, and we use the Agile Manifesto to guide our strategy and decisions.

As agile leaders, we value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
Working software over comprehensive documentation.
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
Responding to change over following a plan.

We inspire, educate, and collaborate with leaders and organizations to help them thrive in an era of change and disruption. Education and coaching to guide and support these leaders in their journey to steep innovation, improved quality and market leadership.

Businesses want to accelerate innovation, improve quality and results and be market leaders. They need adaptability to respond rapidly to constant external market change. To do that, they need to build an adaptive company culture, for it to be successful there needs to be a meaningful lasting change (not quick and easy) and it needs to happen across the organization at all levels and departments. To do that, they need to change their mindset AND be educated and guided.

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Related: Can Agile Principles Save the World?


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